
Saturday, December 23, 2023

I would like to tell you, a short insight on how i make my kits and tubes, and why it upsets me when i see them shared, ripped and with no credit given.

Many think that AI is just a word and a click and then a tube or element pops out. In short terms it is, 'if you dont care how it looks, or if you dont care that a tube, have 6 fingers.

I want details in my designs, and i sometimes spends hours in programs before i am happy with the results.

First you need to pay up to get a license subscriptions to the platforms you want to use. I pay 120 dollars a month on just my AI program. 

I then pay each month on a program to help remove background on each image in batches. (to save just a little time) Its not flawless so sometimes i have to sit and do it manually to make sure each element is as clean as possible.

I use photoshop and painshop pro Witch is also not free. In those programs i use plug-ins with tons of different effects that i ad to my elements and tubes. Again LOADS of time. 

Then i start to design each element for my kit, and many times it has to be done 2 or 3, maybe 4 retry before that element is perfect. And we want at least 80 elements in a kit, so you can do the math on that, LOADS of time.

Backgrounds are more easy, no cleaning to do but it still has to be beautiful quality, so many times i use plug in programs from photoshop. (and those were also not free) 

Now to my tubes. They are my most time taking. Eyes and hands can be a nightmare. Many think its so easy to just make a click and bam a perfect tube is at your hands. But that is far from the truth. I am NO artist, i can not draw with a pencil, but i am self taught in drawing eyes and small details (digital) and i am self taught in editing hair, hands, lips, clothes.

When i am finally happy with my tube i move her to my photoshop and start from top to bottom til she is perfect. Having severe OCD can be a big benefit in this case, i dont stop before it all looks spotless :-)

Now finally everything is done, and the preview needs to be created witch also takes time, to make it presentable to you. 

Now i either publish it for free on my blog as i know there are people who just dont have the funds due to personal things, and i love to help were i can and give people joy. Or Upload it to my store as i sometimes do want to make a little earning back. But i also pay a fee from Paypal, each time someone buy from me, and my store 'Payhip' takes 5% in partner fee as well on each purchase made. 

I want to point out that this writing is not about money, or i would not give kits and tubes away in the first place, this is to show you what i do and pay out of my own time and pockets.

So i only have one question now,' : YOU Doing everything above, and then seeing your designs stolen, kits ripped apart, tubes and kits shared free, How would you feel ?

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
I have from today 24-07-2024, combined the TOU'S. 
Meaning there will no longer be rules for free designs and another rule for purchased.
My new Updated TOU is for All my designs in general.
So the new change is only number 1, 
before you could not use my purchased design for clusters, 
blog design so on. You can now. 
1.) You May Use as PU for Tags, timelines, cluster frames, tutorials, blog designs and so on,
    for your own personal use.

2.) You may NOT share this, give away for free, or use to resell in anyway.

3.) You can use other tubes for my kits, it does not have to be the ones included, 
    and you are welcome to mix my kits,
    but you can NOT mix my kits with other designers kits or there AI tubes!!

4.) My freebies (kits,snags,cluster frames so on) Is under the same terms as 
    everything purchased, PU ONLY!

4.) When using my Designs, Kits or Tubes, this is your license: 

    @CattyCreations_payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)

    And has to be written ''clearly'' on your finished designs.

- This is NOT accepted: AI by catty creations - 
  AI generated by catty creations designs, by catty creations and so on...


Basically you are free to use my designs how you see fit,
as long as my 2 most importen terms are followed.

1.Personal use only

2. And you write your license with my credit info :  
@CattyCreations_payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)
if you have any questions, or you have any problems with the product 
please email me at anytime at artistic.paw.prints.82@gmail.com
Thank you, and enjoy :-)
I have gotten some mails about Copyrights Questions, as those are very important, I will now Highlight the subject very clearly in hopes that it is understandable.
Here is the new section I have added that points to the use of PU tubes (Tubes that are NOT included in my kits)
I am using Goldwasser as an example in this post.
(she gave me thumbs up for this) 
No matter what, a real tube artist ALWAYS has to be credited with their copyrights.
So, what you always have to write is 
©Goldwasser.   Now here is where the doubt and confusion many times occurs.
and use it in my kits (as I allow my kits to be used with other tubes than those who comes with my kits):
©Goldwasser www.goldwasser.art GA_ (your license name/number from there site) And in a small caption in the corner or were else you see fit on your creation (kit by catty creations)
So, you always credit tube artist full info,
IF you bought the tube as a PU via the artist
sites (Verymany, Verymanyartist, Goldwasser, Misticheskaya) so on.
My kits have artist tubes that is under the license PU/CU. 
Therefor My license info has to be written as I inform: 
(©Tube artist name) CattyCreations_payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)
as I bought that artist tubes as a cu license from the artist, which gives me the rights to use that tube either to resell in Png format, or for use in my scrap kits in Png format. (Still with artist Copyrights name) but following my info as designer. 
So, all 3 ways is listed here, and goes:
My kits with included tubes by a real tube artist: 
(©Tube artist name) payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)
 My kits with AI tube: 
CattyCreations_payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)
My Kits, if you use your own PU tube bought from an artist site:
 ©Goldwasser www.goldwasser.art GA_ (your license name/number from there site) 
And in a small caption in the corner or were else you see fit on your creation (kit by catty creations)
I hope that this helped to clarify a bit better. And of course, you are welcome to contact me if you are still unsure of it.
I have a paid License to the platforms and programs I'm using.
so, under no circumstances is my products allowed to be used for other than personal use! 🌹
You are not allowed to share my products. 
**This also goes for my FTU Designs.
I love designing and I Want to continue enjoying what I love, so I ask you to please be kind and respect the few Terms of use 🌹
If you have any questions regarding this, you can always contact me on my mail artistic.paw.prints.82@gmail.com
Sincerely Catty.