
Saturday, December 23, 2023

I would like to tell you, a short insight on how i make my kits and tubes, and why it upsets me when i see them shared, ripped and with no credit given.

Many think that AI is just a word and a click and then a tube or element pops out. In short terms it is, 'if you dont care how it looks, or if you dont care that a tube, have 6 fingers.

I want details in my designs, and i sometimes spends hours in programs before i am happy with the results.

First you need to pay up to get a license subscriptions to the platforms you want to use. I pay 120 dollars a month on just my AI program. 

I then pay each month on a program to help remove background on each image in batches. (to save just a little time) Its not flawless so sometimes i have to sit and do it manually to make sure each element is as clean as possible.

I use photoshop and painshop pro Witch is also not free. In those programs i use plug-ins with tons of different effects that i ad to my elements and tubes. Again LOADS of time. 

Then i start to design each element for my kit, and many times it has to be done 2 or 3, maybe 4 retry before that element is perfect. And we want at least 80 elements in a kit, so you can do the math on that, LOADS of time.

Backgrounds are more easy, no cleaning to do but it still has to be beautiful quality, so many times i use plug in programs from photoshop. (and those were also not free) 

Now to my tubes. They are my most time taking. Eyes and hands can be a nightmare. Many think its so easy to just make a click and bam a perfect tube is at your hands. But that is far from the truth. I am NO artist, i can not draw with a pencil, but i am self taught in drawing eyes and small details (digital) and i am self taught in editing hair, hands, lips, clothes.

When i am finally happy with my tube i move her to my photoshop and start from top to bottom til she is perfect. Having severe OCD can be a big benefit in this case, i dont stop before it all looks spotless :-)

Now finally everything is done, and the preview needs to be created witch also takes time, to make it presentable to you. 

Now i either publish it for free on my blog as i know there are people who just dont have the funds due to personal things, and i love to help were i can and give people joy. Or Upload it to my store as i sometimes do want to make a little earning back. But i also pay a fee from Paypal, each time someone buy from me, and my store 'Payhip' takes 5% in partner fee as well on each purchase made. 

I want to point out that this writing is not about money, or i would not give kits and tubes away in the first place, this is to show you what i do and pay out of my own time and pockets.

So i only have one question now,' : YOU Doing everything above, and then seeing your designs stolen, kits ripped apart, tubes and kits shared free, How would you feel ?